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Midnight Tequila 

What happens when a pharmaceutically challenged harp player has a midlife crisis upon lurching into menopause, and enters the Afterlife by mistake?

Solange knew not to mix Valium with margaritas, but she needed a mental break from her catastrophic audition for the local all-harp orchestra.

She also let go of her tequila shots, her bags of frozen peas she put on her forehead to cool the night sweats, and especially Carlos who kept calling her Delores.

The Afterlife held secrets and also her late husband, Paul-Michel. Solange drifted into it as her friends sang Amazing Grace waiting for the ambulance. Paul-Michel was actually not mad at her as she had thought. He was glad to see her, but as often happens, she was directed back to earth to take care of something important, although it was not clear what.

As Solange deciphers the clues from the Afterlife, she quits her day job as a 900-line Tarot card reader and tries to heal the world with the soothing glissandos from her harp.