Adventures as I’m Reading The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

Entry 3 - Dec 1, 2023

Suzann Kale

Picking Up Clues


I realize I can’t daydream or think of what my cat might want for dinner. I have to concentrate, focus, not rush, and carefully  re-read anything I might have spaced out over.

I don’t read books twice because there are too many books in the world and yes, too little time. So with The Bone Clocks, I need to be present for every page.

Here’s why: There is not a word, syllable, or metaphor that Mitchell uses that is not important to the story. This is part of his genius. I don’t know how he does it. Every scene, no matter how new -  and no matter that there is suddenly a new protagonist - every scene is essential. It will all make sense at some point. 

Mitchell leaves little clues all along. You have to be totally present to catch them. That is part of the excitement of reading this book. Don’t let a word pass you by. As I’m reading today, some of the dialog is in French - so I go to Google Translate on my phone, and type in French to English. I don’t want to let anything get by me!