Journal as I’m reading David Mitchell’s The Bone Clocks

Entry 10 Dec 27, 2023

Suzann Kale

Possible SPOILER ALERTS - not sure

More Fabulous Metaphors/Similes

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

“I just go to my room ... crawl into bed, and sleep opens up like a sink-hole...” p356

“...a Newfoundland poetess, ... who has the eyes of a seal gazing out of a Greenpeace poster.” p317

“...and a baroque moon floats aloft a fecund, one might say spermy, Milky Way” p313

“...his crumpled brown suit belonged to his dead father and his teeth are the color of caramel.” p.298

“The wind hammers out mad organist’s chords.” p.190

“Like a shiny silver pinball whizzing out of the firing lane, I’ve not got the faintest bloody clue where I’m going or what’ll happen next.” p.86