Adventures Reading The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

Entry 8 – Dec 19, 2023        Suzann Kale

More About POV

Each segment has a different first person. And each segment is in-depth, deep inside the person’s psyche. (I say psyche instead of head because psyche is more accurate.)

So as I’m reading, I am completely absorbed in the person’s life. I read his/her thoughts, and I see how the thoughts differ from the way they present themselves to others. As a bonus, the characters describe not only their thoughts, but also their reactions to their own thoughts. It’s quite a trip, and brilliantly done.

Here’s my point for today. I get to know a character inside out. And I’m loving it. But then another character takes center stage and there’s a new POV. At first I’m disoriented because I don’t know who this new person is, and I just put a lot of effort into the old person. But after a new page or so, here I am, completely inside the head of the new person. And I’m fine with it.

Through all this, Mitchell does not forget about the characters that have appeared previously. Everyone is tied together in this knot that he is weaving.