The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

Adventures as I’m reading The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell

Entry 5 - Dec 3, 2023 Suzann Kale SPOILER ALERT

Mitchell’s skill with descriptions is brilliant. Donna Tartt, Don DeLillo and many others have this talent. But for now I’m focusing on The Bone Clocks.

With The Bone Clocks being (so far - I’m about a third of the way through) in the first person - and there are different first people as it goes along - we get not only a vivid sense of place, but we also get into the distinctive thought processes of each character. It’s a thought process that feels like it’s real.

The first person narrative sounds how real thinking sounds: quickly moving from thought to thought, sometimes just looking around, other times reacting to what’s going on. A character could be angry and then in the same thought notice the flow of the traffic.

Although each character has their own unique, identifiable thought process, the novel as a whole has this witty, brilliant, irreverent, sometimes hysterical tone.

Here is Holly Sykes speaking to us: “Fluffy lambs are nibbling grass. Ewes watch us, like we’re planning to serve up their babies with sprouts and mash.”

Or (still Holly): “Shit, meet fan. Fan, this is Shit. Mam’ll leave Vinny splattered down the hallway…”

Here is Hugo overhearing his friend Olly on the phone as Olly’s girlfriend is breaking up with him: “Oh dear. Despair is as attractive as cold sores.” 

I can’t wait to get back to where I left off!